
Supereco - hidro clip - 10 kg

27,30 € /einheit
Umsatzsteuer nicht enthalten
Lieferzeit: 2 Tage
Versand an: Alle Länder
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Supereco - hidro clip - 10 kg

format: 10 KG Available in sizes from 5 kg , 10kg , 25kg , 250kg and 1000kg . - PRICE RETAILER - HIDRO CLIP is a particular compound, specially formulated to prevent blood clotting.HIDRO CLIP is particularly suitable in slaughterhouses and in any process that involves the disposal of the blood, as it avoids the formation of clots that clog drainage channels by causing putrefaction.Usage: 100 g per 10 liters of blood detergents , detergents on tap , fabric softener , laundry , limescale
Supereco hidro clip
Produkt ID: 3211488 | Referenz: 282 | Verkauft von: Cititalia SRL
Publikationsdatum 20/07/2015 - Vom Verkäufer abgeändert 02/08/2016
Verwandte Produkte

Supereco - hidro clip - 10 kg