
Supereco - city 117- carry over surfaces - 180 ml

2,60 € /einheit
Umsatzsteuer nicht enthalten
Minimale Abnahmemenge: 6 einheiten
Lieferzeit: 2 Tage
Versand an: Alle Länder
Beschreibung von

Supereco - city 117- carry over surfaces - 180 ml

format: 180 ml - PRICE RETAILER - Abrasive and dense detergent that restores metals, steel, chrome, fiberglass, toilet's fittings, ceramics, laminate surfaces, Etc. Do not use on aluminum and silver. City 117 is a dense liquid detergent anti-oxidizing and sanitizing made of micro-grains. It is designed for the cleaning and polishing of steel, chrome, fiberglass, ceramics, laminate surfaces, and equipment in general. It removes from the surfaces: rust , oxide films, salt deposits, deposits of fats and oils, spots left from other products on plastic, chrome, steel surfaces, etc.. detergents , detergents on tap , fabric softener , laundry , limescale
Supereco city 117
Produkt ID: 3211604 | Referenz: 23 | Verkauft von: Cititalia SRL
Publikationsdatum 20/07/2015 - Vom Verkäufer abgeändert 02/08/2016
Verwandte Produkte

Supereco - city 117- carry over surfaces - 180 ml