
A1 2 layers paddle surf board

443,20 € /einheit
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A1 2 layers paddle surf board

A1 Adult Premium Paddle surf board with 2 layers and 3.2 meters. Made of polyester fiber mesh with a second layer of PVC. Inflated at high pressure (15 psi), the stand up paddle guarantees exceptional rigidity and maintains the original shape in all conditions. Measures: 300 x 76 x 15 cm.
erwachsene meer paddle surf schwimmbrett spiele
Produkt ID: 5874799 | Referenz: 99.001 | Verkauft von: OLOGY SL
Publikationsdatum 22/05/2017 - Vom Verkäufer abgeändert 19/02/2018
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A1 2 layers paddle surf board