orangen, zitrone, zitronen, zitrus zitronen aus ägypten (Ergebnisse Angebote)

Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen Produkt nicht verfügbar
Beschreibung von

Zitronen aus Ägypten

Produkt ID: 6014988
B2B Intertrade GmbH has been supplying fresh fruits and vegetables from European countries all-season for five years. In the meantime we've established strong economic relations with our partners who have been providing with quality products without fail.

Special attention is paid to the quality of the foodstuffs. For example, fruit supplies from Europe are regulated by the international standards and are impossible without constant supervision over each step from fruit collection till its transportation. European high demands to the quality of export products guarantee our customers that they'll be given the best fruits and vegetables. Thus, vegetables from the Netherlands have been considered safe and of high quality for a long time and all over the world.

Gaining in unique experience, creation of a strong infrastructure inside of the company are a kind of a know-how and let us make all work steps with our clients and partners as automatic as possible. It helps us to develop and be effective for each participant in our
wholesale greengrocery trade chain.
Schlüsselwort: Orangen , Zitrone , Zitronen , Zitrus Kategorie: Lebensmittel > Andere Nahrungsmittel und Getränke
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